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Current exhibit: "Seeking Joy"
Heller Museum, Hebrew Union College, NYC, July 2024-June 2025
Thank you to the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute
at Brandeis University! They hosted
Graphic Content: The Sacred Art and
Beautiful Math of Rachel Braun
and to Pozez Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia for the exhibit
Embroidery and Sacred Text
THANK YOU, Jim Cohen
for including me
among featured artists
in his new book
Modern Judaica
(Schiffer Publishing, 2023)

Photo: Rabbi Gilah Langner
at The Textile Museum in Washington, DC.
Threads of Torah: Woven Words & Wisdom
Art and Scroll Studio
Embroidery and Sacred Text
Congregation Chisuk Emuna, Harrisburg, PA
Judaica Thematic Society, Liverpool, England
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